Get More From Employing Property Management Services

Maximize your investment potential with first-class property management services from Northpoint Asset Management. Access a skilled group of property managers committed to helping you achieve success. Consult with our nearby office and explore effective property management solutions designed specifically for you.

Property Management Services Meeting Your Needs in Sacramento, CA

Taking a deep look at your real estate and management needs sets Northpoint Asset Management apart in the industry. We deliver every service required to help you realize your investment goals with tailored solutions that make being a landlord easy:

  • Leasing: We handle every aspect of leasing, ensuring your real estate is occupied fast by reliable tenants, maximizing your monthly income, and minimizing vacancies.
  • Tenant Vetting: Our extensive resident screening process identifies the best prospects, protecting your investment and guaranteeing a seamless, hassle-free management experience.
  • Inspection: We conduct routine, detailed inspections to maintain your property’s state, reduce major repairs, guarantee renter satisfaction, and maximize your returns.
  • Accounting: Our precise and open payment services keep your financials organized, delivering detailed reports and confidence so you can focus on enjoying your ROI.
  • Maintenance: Our dependable maintenance team proactively addresses repairs and upkeep, preserving your building’s condition and tenant satisfaction without any worry on your part.
  • Eviction: We take care of evictions professionally and efficiently, traversing the legal complexities to protect your investment and swiftly regain control of your property.
    • Consult with us right away to assess your property management needs and get a full range of services in one place.

      property manager
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      Phone: 1-888-261-9966

      2620 Hurley Way, Suite B
      Sacramento, CA 95864

2620 Hurley Way, Suite B
Sacramento, CA 95864


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Partner With Property Managers Whose Success Relies on Yours

Many residential real estate owners and several prominent institutional investors rely on us for top property management services. With more than 30 years in the business and an “A” rating by the BBB, you should feel assured when relying on us for your property's needs. We operate from over 40 offices around the United States and specialize in long-term management. Apply now and learn more about how our unparalleled resources and knowledge will change how you think about property management.


Our property managers perform detailed tenant screening, including background checks and rental history verification, to guarantee trustworthy tenants move into your property. We closely obey all fair housing laws and practices while assessing applicants. Our techniques for vetting and approving residents are conducted fairly and helps safeguard your assets and revenue.

Our property management firm conducts intermittent inspections to uncover problems quickly, minimizing vacancies and costly repairs. The schedule of inspections will vary based on the property's age or preexisting problems. Call us today for an evaluation of your building to receive an accurate recommendation for inspection rates.
We acknowledge property owners' concern about the length of time it will take to find trustworthy occupants, especially because owners want to see returns on their investment as quickly as possible. Our professionals have valuable experience acquiring dependable renters swiftly, even when it comes to difficult properties in less-than-ideal areas.

We are proficient at implementing marketing campaigns across various media and work efficiently to formulate an effective marketing plan for every property we manage. Our hands-on approach ensures that your property has the visibility necessary to bring in tenants faster.

Call Northpoint Asset Management in Sacramento, CA and watch us overcome all challenges in finding the perfect tenants for your property.

Schedule a Consultation Today for Property Management in Sacramento, CA

Obtain a comprehensive suite of property manager services under one roof. We’ll safeguard your property and make sure it stays rented with trustworthy tenants. Get a better return on your property investment by applying at Northpoint Asset Management for Sacramento, CA.